
Chessboard state.

Module Contents


chessboard(mat_params[, s_param, t_param])

Produce a chessboard state [1].

states.chessboard.chessboard(mat_params, s_param=None, t_param=None)

Produce a chessboard state [1].

Generates the chessboard state defined in [1]. Note that, for certain choices of s_param and t_param, this state will not have positive partial transpose, and thus may not be bound entangled.


The standard chessboard state can be invoked using toqito as

>>> from toqito.states import chessboard
>>> chessboard([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 7, 8)
[[ 0.22592593,  0.        ,  0.12962963,  0.        ,  0.        ,
   0.        ,  0.17777778,  0.        ,  0.        ],
 [ 0.        ,  0.01851852,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
   0.01111111,  0.        ,  0.02962963,  0.        ],
 [ 0.12962963,  0.        ,  0.18148148,  0.        ,  0.15555556,
   0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
 [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.01851852,  0.        ,
   0.02222222,  0.        , -0.01481481,  0.        ],
 [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.15555556,  0.        ,  0.22592593,
   0.        , -0.14814815,  0.        ,  0.        ],
 [ 0.        ,  0.01111111,  0.        ,  0.02222222,  0.        ,
   0.03333333,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
 [ 0.17777778,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        , -0.14814815,
   0.        ,  0.23703704,  0.        ,  0.        ],
 [ 0.        ,  0.02962963,  0.        , -0.01481481,  0.        ,
   0.        ,  0.        ,  0.05925926,  0.        ],
 [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
   0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ]]


[1] (1,2,3,4)

W. Dür, G. Vidal, and J. I. Cirac. Three qubits can be entangled in two inequivalent ways. Physical Review A, Nov 2000. URL:, doi:10.1103/physreva.62.062314.

  • mat_params (list[float]) – Parameters of the chessboard state as defined in [1].

  • s_param (float) – Default is np.conj(mat_params[2]) / np.conj(mat_params[5]).

  • t_param (float) – Default is t_param = mat_params[0] * mat_params[3] / mat_params[4].


A chessboard state.

Return type:
