:py:mod:`state_props.log_negativity` ==================================== .. py:module:: state_props.log_negativity .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Logarithmic negativity property. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: state_props.log_negativity.log_negativity .. py:function:: log_negativity(rho, dim = None) Compute the log-negativity of a bipartite quantum state :cite:`WikiNeg`. The log-negativity of a subsystem can be defined in terms of a density matrix :math:`\rho`: .. math:: E_\mathcal{N}(\rho) \equiv \text{log}_2\left( ||\rho^{\Gamma_A}||_1 \right). Calculate the log-negativity of the quantum state :math:`\rho`, assuming that the two subsystems on which :math:`\rho` acts are of equal dimension (if the local dimensions are unequal, specify them in the optional :code:`dim` argument). .. rubric:: Examples Example of the log-negativity of density matrix of Bell state. >>> from toqito.states import bell >>> from toqito.state_props import log_negativity >>> rho = bell(0) * bell(0).conj().T >>> log_negativity(rho) 0.9999999999999997 .. seealso:: :obj:`negativity` .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: :filter: docname in docnames :raises ValueError: If the input matrix is not a density matrix. :param rho: A density matrix of a pure state vector. :param dim: The default has both subsystems of equal dimension. :return: A positive value that corresponds to the logarithmic negativity of :math:`\rho`.