rand.random_states ================== .. py:module:: rand.random_states .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Generates random quantum states using Qiskit. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: rand.random_states.random_states Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: random_states(n, d, seed = None) Generate a list of random quantum states. This function generates a list of quantum states, each of a specified dimension. The states are valid quantum states distributed according to the Haar measure. .. rubric:: Examples Generating three quantum states each of dimension 4. >>> from toqito.rand import random_states >>> states = random_states(3, 4) >>> len(states) 3 >>> states[0].shape (4, 1) >>> states # doctest: +SKIP [array([[-0.2150583 +3.12920500e-01j], [-0.45427289-2.42799455e-01j], [ 0.34457387-3.20987030e-05j], [ 0.47739088-4.93844159e-01j]]), array([[ 0.05596192-0.40459234j], [-0.8497132 +0.06357884j], [-0.22808131-0.16261183j], [-0.16047978+0.05386145j]]), array([[ 0.12592373+0.00508266j], [-0.71527467+0.41425908j], [-0.27852449+0.39980357j], [ 0.17033502+0.18562365j]])] It is also possible to pass a seed to this function for reproducibility. >>> from toqito.rand import random_states >>> states = random_states(3, 4, seed=42) >>> states [array([[ 0.13830446+0.0299699j ], [-0.47202619+0.51163029j], [ 0.34061349+0.21219233j], [ 0.42690188-0.39001418j]]), array([[-0.71489214+0.1351165j ], [-0.47714049-0.35135073j], [ 0.04684288+0.32187898j], [-0.11587661-0.01829369j]]), array([[-0.00827473-0.0910465j ], [-0.42013238-0.33536439j], [ 0.43311201+0.60211343j], [ 0.38307005-0.07610726j]])] :param n: int The number of random states to generate. :param d: int The dimension of each quantum state. :param seed: int | None A seed used to instantiate numpy's random number generator. :return: list[numpy.ndarray] A list of `n` numpy arrays, each representing a d-dimensional quantum state as a column vector.