:py:mod:`rand.random_density_matrix` ==================================== .. py:module:: rand.random_density_matrix .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Generate random density matrix. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: rand.random_density_matrix.random_density_matrix .. py:function:: random_density_matrix(dim, is_real = False, k_param = None, distance_metric = 'haar') Generate a random density matrix. Generates a random :code:`dim`-by-:code:`dim` density matrix distributed according to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure. The matrix is of rank <= :code:`k_param` distributed according to the distribution :code:`distance_metric` If :code:`is_real = True`, then all of its entries will be real. The variable :code:`distance_metric` must be one of: - :code:`haar` (default): Generate a larger pure state according to the Haar measure and trace out the extra dimensions. Sometimes called the Hilbert-Schmidt measure when :code:`k_param = dim`. - :code:`bures`: The Bures measure. .. rubric:: Examples Using :code:`toqito`, we may generate a random complex-valued :math:`n`- dimensional density matrix. For :math:`d=2`, this can be accomplished as follows. >>> from toqito.rand import random_density_matrix >>> complex_dm = random_density_matrix(2) >>> complex_dm # doctest: +SKIP array([[0.83378447+0.j , 0.25937396-0.12958422j], [0.25937396+0.12958422j, 0.16621553+0.j ]]) We can verify that this is in fact a valid density matrix using the :code:`is_denisty` function from :code:`toqito` as follows >>> from toqito.matrix_props import is_density >>> is_density(complex_dm) True We can also generate random density matrices that are real-valued as follows. >>> from toqito.rand import random_density_matrix >>> real_dm = random_density_matrix(2, is_real=True) >>> real_dm # doctest: +SKIP array([[0.3686455 , 0.48243625], [0.48243625, 0.6313545 ]]) Again, verifying that this is a valid density matrix can be done as follows. >>> from toqito.matrix_props import is_density >>> is_density(real_dm) True By default, the random density operators are constructed using the Haar measure. We can select to generate the random density matrix according to the Bures metric instead as follows. >>> from toqito.rand import random_density_matrix >>> bures_mat = random_density_matrix(2, distance_metric="bures") >>> bures_mat # doctest: +SKIP array([[0.73969055+0.j , 0.09494426-0.15279342j], [0.09494426+0.15279342j, 0.26030945+0.j ]]) As before, we can verify that this matrix generated is a valid density matrix. >>> from toqito.matrix_props import is_density >>> is_density(bures_mat) True :param dim: The number of rows (and columns) of the density matrix. :param is_real: Boolean denoting whether the returned matrix will have all real entries or not. :param k_param: Default value is equal to :code:`dim`. :param distance_metric: The distance metric used to randomly generate the density matrix. This metric is either the Haar measure or the Bures measure. Default value is to use the Haar measure. :return: A :code:`dim`-by-:code:`dim` random density matrix.