channel_ops.dual_channel ======================== .. py:module:: channel_ops.dual_channel .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Computes the dual of a map. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: channel_ops.dual_channel.dual_channel Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: dual_channel(phi_op, dims = None) Compute the dual of a map (quantum channel). (Section: Representations and Characterizations of Channels of :cite:`Watrous_2018_TQI`). The map can be represented as a Choi matrix, with optional specification of input and output dimensions. If the input channel maps :math:`M_{r,c}` to :math:`M_{x,y}` then :code:`dim` should be the list :code:`[[r,x], [c,y]]`. If it maps :math:`M_m` to :math:`M_n`, then :code:`dim` can simply be the vector :code:`[m,n]`. In this case the Choi matrix of the dual channel is returned, obtained by swapping input and output (see :func:`toqito.perms.swap`), and complex conjugating all elements. The map can also be represented as a list of Kraus operators. A list of lists, each containing two elements, corresponds to the families of operators :math:`\{(A_a, B_a)\}` representing the map .. math:: \Phi(X) = \sum_a A_a X B^*_a. The dual map is obtained by taking the Hermitian adjoint of each operator. If :code:`phi_op` is given as a one-dimensional list, :math:`\{A_a\}`, it is interpreted as the completely positive map .. math:: \Phi(X) = \sum_a A_a X A^*_a. .. rubric:: Examples When a channel is represented by a 1-D list of of Kraus operators, the CPTP dual channel can be determined as shown below. >>> import numpy as np >>> from toqito.channel_ops import dual_channel >>> kraus_1 = np.array([[1, 0, 1j, 0]]) >>> kraus_2 = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 1j]]) >>> kraus_list = [kraus_1, kraus_2] >>> dual_channel(kraus_list) [array([[1.-0.j], [0.-0.j], [0.-1.j], [0.-0.j]]), array([[0.-0.j], [1.-0.j], [0.-0.j], [0.-1.j]])] If the input channel's dimensions are different from the output dual channel's dimensions, >>> import numpy as np >>> from toqito.channel_ops import dual_channel >>> from toqito.perms import swap_operator >>> input_op = swap_operator([2, 3]) >>> dual_channel(input_op, [[3, 2], [2, 3]]) array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: :filter: docname in docnames :raises ValueError: If matrices are not Choi matrix. :param phi_op: A superoperator. It should be provided either as a Choi matrix, or as a (1d or 2d) list of numpy arrays whose entries are its Kraus operators. :param dims: Dimension of the input and output systems, for Choi matrix representation. If :code:`None`, try to infer them from :code:`phi_op.shape`. :return: The map dual to :code:`phi_op`, in the same representation.